I am watching...

There is going to be a whole series around here of "I am...blabla-ing", I can feel it and so should you. So, if the first person pronoun does not scare you, this is the right place to be before an innocent night cap and a good night's sleep.

The movie I watched came to me by sheer luck: there was a flyer in my mailbox announcing a special offer for one week under the guise of free access to a whole series of Canal+ channels, including the movie channel. Oh, really? Wonderful news for a late evening home.

Sooner than later, I was watching Chérie, from Stephen Frears. Admittedly not a great movie even though I suspect that Colette's books must stretch much further and are probably worth being added to the bookworm's wishlist - and as I write this I wonder why I have never read one of her books... What made the movie interesting - well, sort of at least - for me was the beautiful, radiant Michelle Pfeiffer: she delicately sets the tone and elegance of the movie and remains fresh even when depicting an aging character facing the hardships and disappointments of love .

And then, there is the surprising decor of her boudoir: intricate and feminine art nouveau complimented by the palest violet and green, an elaborate headboard, soft lights and gracefully located plants that give the look and feel of a garden - romanticism at its best and a ton of decoration ideas!

Now, don't be silly, don't ask about the dialogues or other boring aspects (such as the terrible actor, arrggghh, the movie poster, double-argggghhh).

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